Cloud Hosting Service
Web Hosting cPanel
Web Hosting Direct Admin with a moderate cost is always the most appropriate choice for individuals or businesses who are looking to develop their products in the field of e-commerce. Our cheap Web hosting service uses Direct Admin – the number 1 hosting management tool in the world today, combined with built-in security features or unlimited bandwidth packages will help make the Your website is safer and easier than ever.
Service advantage
Performance and optimization
Optimize for each hosting platform to reach the highest rate
Integrating malware, shell web for customer source code
Cloud storage
Systems operating on cloud servers and dispersed across multiple physical servers
Full disk SSD
The entire web hosting service uses ssd enterprise hard disks
Platform Security
The Anti-Exploit integration helps the hosting platform the hosting (Apache, Database, Web,…)
Support 24/7
24/7 service support. System upgrade, fast processing
Web hosting price
- Storage: 400MB / 01 domain
- CPU: 1 CORE / RAM: 1 GB
- Sub domain: unlimited
- 1 Database
- Control Panel: Cpanel
- Storage: 1.000MB / 01 domain
- CPU: 1 CORE / RAM: 1 GB
- Sub domain: unlimited
- 3 Database
- Control Panel: Cpanel
- Storage: 2.000MB / 03 domain
- CPU: 1 CORE / RAM: 2 GB
- Sub domain: unlimited
- 5 Database
- Control Panel: Cpanel
- Storage: 4.000MB / 05 domain
- CPU: 1 CORE / RAM: 2 GB
- Sub domain: Unlimited
- 5 Database
- Control Panel: Cpanel
- Storage: 8.000MB / 10 domain
- CPU: 2 CORE / RAM: 4 GB
- Sub domain: Unlimited
- 20 Database
- Control Panel: Cpanel
- Storage: 20.000 MB / 20 domain
- CPU: 2 CORE / RAM: 4 GB
- Sub domain: unlimited
- 40 Database
- Control Panel: Cpanel
Web hosting management is more convenient with the Cpanel system combined with advanced features
High security
High quality hosting system integrated with anti-virus, anti-malware and web shell security solutions in Linux/Apache/PHP hosting environment. In addition, the system is also set up to prevent/reduce common types of attacks such as scanning attacks, unauthorized access to the system, attacks exploiting operating system errors, applications. web/database applications and frameworks.
24/7/365 customer support
When using the service, customers are fully supported through a professional technical support team. We are currently setting up 3 main customer support channels, which are phone support, email support and ticket system. Support requests through the above channels are all decentralized and handled by us based on the impact of the system.
High speed
Our high-quality hosting systems are established on the basis of standard physical server infrastructure and network equipment, located in the TIER 3 Data Center of Viettel IDC, CMC and ODS with leased line. Currently dedicated hosting is 1000 Mb in the country, 100 Mb internationally.
Attached email service
Email packages attached to hosting services often have spam, viruses, and untrusted emails. Therefore, the web hosting packages at Cloudzone do not include email hosting service. Customers wishing to contact us for advice and use a private email service with integrated spam, virus and phishing filtering functions built by Cloudzone to ensure service quality.
Data security
Hosting system at Cloudzone works on Cloud VPS with high availability. Each Cloud VPS is hosted at the same time on at least 3 different independent physical servers according to the technology model of Hyper Converged Infrastructure, which makes data available even when the computer is running. The physical host suffers from a hardware failure. For data backup, Cloudzone provides a backup tool directly on the cPanel control panel for customers, and the backup capacity is included in the customer’s usage.
Optimal degree
The servers providing Hosting system at Cloudzone are installed and configured to bring the highest optimization for web speed. In particular, the optimization focuses on the processing capacity of the web server, increasing the caching capacity of the server system, using updated versions of the web server and database as well as the reverse proxy model.